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hydrogen fluoride hf monitoring

Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) Monitoring – For Stack , Ambient & Indoor

Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) Monitoring                Hydrogen Fluoride (HF) is a colorless gas, with a pungent smell at 0.04ppm. Inhalation of this gas can cause eyes, nose and throat irritation. Exposure to high levels may cause muscle spasms and can damage the lungs and heart and in extreme cases can result in death. Periodic monitoring of  Hydrogen Fluoride is the best solution to ensure the personal safety of workers in different environment.


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Hydrogen Fluoride HF Monitoring

Hydrogen Fluoride HF Monitoring services: 

Hydrogen fluoride (HF) can be found in gaseous form or liquid state at ambient temperature. It is  combination of Hydrogen Atom & Fluorine Atom.

Apzem’s Air Quality monitoring

Apzem’s Air Quality monitoring is done by industrial experts with years of rich expertise in the domain of air quality monitoring & dust, fume control.


     Other Names


Chemical Formula




Odor Threshold


Vapor     Pressure


                Health Risks


Hydrofluoric acid , Flurohydric acid




Pungent, Irritating


0.04 PPM


400 mmHg


Irritation of eyes,skin,and respiratory system; Pulmonary Edema; Fluorosis

Inhalation & Ingestion Health Hazards

INHALATION Inhaled HF initially affects nose, throat, Eyes.

Mucous membrane irritation, cough, choking.

Airway obstruction.

Lung Injury may be delayed 12 -36 hrs.

INGESTION Intentional ingestion of large volume. ( Abdominal Pain , Vomiting )

Potential absence of Gastrointestinal Symptoms with dilute ingestion.

Systemic poisoning may occurs within 1- 4 hrs.

20 to 30 ppm – A reflex breathing difficulty

Above 25 ppm – irritation, burns, ulcerous lesions, and localized destruction of the tissues (necrosis) of the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes.

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