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H2S Monitoring – For Stack , Ambient & Indoor ( Upto PPB Level )

H2S Monitoring for Stack, Ambient & Indoor Environments needs to be done periodically to ensure the safety & standards of the Quality of air that we breathe. Hydrogen Sulfide is a high level toxic gas that can cause sudden death if exposed at high levels and even minimum exposure causes acute damages to the inhaler. Periodic H2S gas level monitoring helps to keep workers safe in hazardous work environment.

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H2S Monitoring services: 

Apzem’s Air Quality monitoring is done by industrial experts with years of rich expertise in the domain of air quality monitoring & dust, fume control. H2S Gas Level monitoring is primarily done to detect and measure parts per billion levels of H2S


Name Formula Characteristic Odor Threshold (ppm)
Hydrogen sulfide H2S Rotten eggs 0.00047
H2S Monitoring Hydrogen sulfide gas monitoring services

H2S Level Monitoring – Hydrogen sulfide gas level monitoring services in Chennai, India | Apzem, Into Air Pollution Control & Monitoring Services for over more than a decade ..

H2S Gas Leak Accidents – A proper H2S gas level Monitoring could have avoided several accidents like these ..  

H2S Gas level monitoring services

H2S Concentration & Physiological Response
1,000-2,000 ppm Loss of consciousness and possible death
200-1,000 ppm Serious respiratory, central nervous, & cardiovascular system effects
150-200 ppm Olfactory fatigue (sense of smell is significantly impaired)
100 ppm Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH concentration)
5-30 ppm Moderate irritation of the eyes
5-10 ppm Relatively minor metabolic changes in exercising individuals during short-term exposures
Less than 5 ppm Metabolic changes observed in exercising individuals, but not clinically significant
Increase in anxiety symptoms (single exposure)
Start of the dose-response curve (short-term exposure)
0.032-0.02 ppm Olfactory threshold (begin to smell)
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