VOC Scrubber

 VOC Scrubber

Apzem VOC Scrubbing System for VOCs control are environmental friendly scrubber that works on the principle of anaerobic digestion of organic VOCs by bacteria. Some VOCs creates bad odors and organic nature and generated in industrial process and in wastewater treatment plants and are readily digested by bacteria grown in a constrained environment with proper supply of enzymes and nutrients.

Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of VOC scrubbers and other industrial air pollution control equipments , hoods, ducting. And are looking forward to provide you end to end , complete turnkey solutions to your odour & Air pollution control needs.

VOC Scrubber are employed in wide range of industrial applications such as  Wastewater treatment Adhesives, aluminum fabrication, Asphalt plants, Coating operations, Chemical plants, Drying ovens, Food processing, Furniture manufacture, Foundries, Oil and petrochemical, Wood products  manufacturing,  Painting operations, Plastics, Polymers,  Printing, Pulp and paper manufacture,  Tire operations, Resins, Rubber products, Pharmaceuticals,  Sealant, Smoke houses, Textile finishing etc

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Catalytic Scrubber

Catalytic Scrubber
catalytic scrubber

Catalytic scrubber is important to remove toxic gases and make the pollutants into simple non-hazardous components. Apzem developed a catalytic dry scrubber for this purpose. The catalytic scrubber works on principle of chemisorption process. Chemisorption is an adsorption process which involves chemical reaction between the toxic pollutants and chemical present on the surface of adsorbents. This type of scrubber consist of catalyst which adsorbs the gaseous pollutants and reacts with them to make into simple components.

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Dry VOC Scrubber

Dry VOC Scrubber
voc dry scrubber

Improving the process reliability is important for manufacturing large volume of goods. Industries have adopted various chemicals methods to ensure the process go smoothly. Dry gas scrubbing process remain important stage in ensuring the environmental regulations. Dry scrubbing of VOCs from exhaust gas is becoming a feasible alternative technology to the wet scrubbing process. Unlike wet scrubber, dry scrubber does not saturate with moisture. It is an important part of gas filtration and plays significant role in not only maintaining environmental standards but also in maintaining some processes.

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Hybrid Scrubber

Hybrid Scrubber

voc scrubber

Apzem Hybrid scrubber reduces SOx emissions to meet the environmental regulations at coastal region. The main source of SOx emissions is burning of fossil fuel which contains high sulphur component in diesel engine. The high sulphur content fuel is used for marine applications because of its less Hybrid expensive. Switching to low price fuel to high price fuel causes burden to ship owners. This causes the SOx emissions in marine environment, thus disturbs marine eco systems, harms human health and violate the regulations.  In order to control the SOx emissions from ship engines, Apzem designed and developed a hybrid wet scrubber.

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Wet VOC Scrubber

Wet VOC Scrubber
wet voc scrubber

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are the toxic chemicals which are very harmful to humans and the environment. There is need of feasible method to remove these VOCs. Various methods including physical, chemical and biological treatments are available to remove VOCs either by destruction or recovery. Water scrubbing of VOC’s are highly efficient depending on its solubility and vapour pressure. The absorption of VOCs in water are most practical for water scrubber. Wet scrubber will be suitable for treating exhaust gases with high concentration VOCs.

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