

Apzem H2S Scrubber are custom designed to capture odorous Hydrogen Sulphide gas generated in industrial process, and in municipal waste treatment. Based on the process outlet, the quantity to be treated, economical and viable H2S abatement scrubber system can be Custom designed. For Low concentration H2S application installing an Apzem dry scrubber would be economical option. For High concentration installing Apzem packed bed scrubber using Sodium Hydroxide, and Hydrogen peroxide as scrubbing solution would be an economical option. The other solutions are using Apzem Bio scrubber or using wet scrubber with aqueous metal sulfate absorbent scrubbing solution would also serves the purpose.

Amount of H2S generated, Process, presence of other pollutants, their properties, temperature, space availability, and PCB norms at particular zone determines the selection and customization of H2S Scrubber system.

Apzem had a strong team of consultants and engineers having deep knowledge in design and commissioning of H2S scrubber system across various industries helps to design a better and economical solution to your H2S control needs. Feel free contact us to assist you in selecting efficient and economical scrubber to your specific process and pollution control needs.

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 STP Scrubber

 STP Scrubber
Odor Control System for Sewage Treatment Plan
STP Scrubber located near residential area creates issues if the STP Scrubber produces unpleasant odors. The odor control unit is becoming primary design consideration for wastewater treatment facilities. Areas in which most odor problems are collection system, primary treatment facilities and solid handling facilities. Generally, Odor Control System for Sewage Treatment Plant are produced by biological reaction at anaerobic/septic conditions.



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