Emergency scrubber

  Emergency scrubber

Apzem emergency scrubber is a multi-stage wet scrubber system designed to treat chlorine vapours from a bank of chlorine cylinders, at leaks rate of 28lbs/min or more . Our system is designed to maintain negative pressure in the chlorination and chlorine storage rooms while limiting the atmospheric release of chlorine to less than 1 ppm. Apzem assembled emergency chlorine scrubber system is very compact with low profile suitable for either indoor or outdoor installation. When a leak occurs , the pump and the fan starts automatically. The fan provides sufficient vacuum to contain the chlorine gas and deliver it to the scrubber. The pump circulates concentrated caustic solution over the scrubber packing to absorb virtually all of the chlorine gas. The entire system is factory assembled and tested for easy installation .
All our fume Extractors are fully customizable to suit your needs. Apzem provides a complete solution from designing spot extraction arms and connecting multiple spot extraction arms to one centralized Laboratory Fume Extraction System. For enquiries or to know more feel free to contact us @ 9789066648 / 044-26580258 or email to sales@apzem.com

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EMERGENCY SCRUBBER (250 CFM-For cylinder of 32 kg)

EMERGENCY SCRUBBER (250 CFM-For cylinder of 32 kg)

Apzem developed an Emergency Scrubber to protect from accidental leakage of poisonous gases such as Chlorine, Hydrogen Sulfide, Sulphur dioxide and Hydrogen Fluoride.

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EMERGENCY SCRUBBER (3000 CFM–for Toner of 900 kg)

EMERGENCY SCRUBBER (3000 CFM–for Toner of 900 kg)

Emergency Scrubber

        Apzem developed an Emergency Scrubber to protect from accidental leakage of poisonous gases such as Chlorine, Hydrogen Sulfide, Sulphur dioxide and Hydrogen Fluoride.


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