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Acetic Acid Scrubber


Acetic Acid Scrubber

Acetic acid is a colorless liquid, it has a pungent odor. It has hygroscopic in nature, means absorbs moisture and it can affect metals, plastics, rubber and coating. It is used in manufacture of chemical compounds in pharmaceuticals, dyes, plastics, textiles industries. It is mostly used as laboratory reagent in chemical and biochemical analysis, flavoring agent, acidifier and as solvent. Vapor generated while handling acetic acid are hazardous to the health if inhaled directly.

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Acetic Acid Scrubber

Acetic acid is a colourless liquid, it has a pungent odour. It has hygroscopic in nature, means absorbs moisture and it can affect metals, plastics, rubber and coating. It is used in manufacture of chemical compounds in pharmaceuticals, dyes, plastics, textiles industries. It is mostly used as laboratory reagent in chemical and biochemical analysis, flavouring agent, acidifier and as solvent. Vapour generated while handling acetic acid are hazardous to the health if inhaled directly.


Exposure Limits

  • NIOSH REL TWA: 10 ppm (25 mg/m3), ST (Short time): 15 ppm (37 mg/m3)
  • OSHA PEL (Permissible Exposure Limit) TWA:  10 ppm (25 mg/m3)
  • IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health):  50 ppm

The acetic acid vapour can be removed using water or alkali solutions. However, choosing of type of scrubber depends on concentration of acetic acid in the gas stream and required scrubbing efficiency. For a gas stream with high concentration, it is better to design scrubber with water/alkali solutions. If the gas stream has low acetic acid concentration, <100 ppm, it will be good choosing the dry scrubbing method.

Acetic acid dissolves easily in water, but the neutralization/degradation of ethylene glycol is very slow process. If we use wet scrubber, water will be saturated with ethylene oxide, thus giving low efficiency at recirculation. Alternatively, once through water for wet scrubbing is generally not practical since it consumes large amount of water. Apzem approach is to eliminate acetic acid fumes from your facility using adsorption technology. Specialized adsorption media will be used to get higher removal capacity rather than normal media. The saturated media can be disposed easily in non-hazardous landfills.



  • Performance Guaranteed
  • Low maintenance
  • Low pressure drop, Minimal energy cost
  • No water, ETP is not required
  • No hazardous by-product
  • Chemical Reactor vents
  • Laboratory
  • Hospital
  • Food processing area
  • Storage tank vent
  • Air flow rate from 50 CFM to 2000 CFM
  • Concentration:  1 ppm to 200 ppm (continuous) up to 2000 ppm (Intermittent)
  • Removal efficiency: up to 99.99 %
  • Material of Construction: MS with Epoxy lining
  • Construction: Heavy Gauge, Fully welded cabinet, robust construction



Model Air flow rate (CFM) Dimension

Diameter (mm)

Height (mm)
ADS-30 100 300 1400
ADS-45 300 450 1500
ADS-60 500 600 1500
ADS-75 800 750 1650
ADS-90 1000 900 1700
ADS-105 1500 1050 2000
ADS-120 2000 1200 2200

Blower: Direct drive, High efficiency, Low noise

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